Sun Protection

It is Summer and you know what that means having fun in the sun. Summer is the season  wear girls go Tanning whether its laying in the sun for hours or going to the tanning bed. Either way it can be very damaging if your not care full. Something that I have notice throughout the years is women especially teens want to be tanner for beauty purposes and they are not aware of the dangers that they are exposing themselves to.

Step One:
Sun protection starts with knowing your skin tone and type.
The Fitzpatrick's skin tone chart is the best way to know what level of protection you need. Type 1 is the lightest and type 6 is the darkest. So pick out your skin type by the following subscriptions.

Step two:
OK, next step is to know what precautions you should take.

Skin Types 1-2:
         Should always wear a SPF 50+ and often reapply during the day. This skin type also needs a moisturizer with a dark spot correcter since they are prone to have more sun damage than other types.

Skin Types 3-5
          Wear a SPF 30+ with occasional reapplications throughout the day. They May also need a dark spot correcting agent if prefer for that extra protection.

Skin Type 6:
           This type should wear a SPF 15+ and don`t need to reapply it throughout the day. This skin type ca wear just a moisturizer later on because this skin type tends to get dry when they are out in the sun.

Step three:

Now I know there are a lot of sunscreen`s on the market and it is super hard to find one that is right for you. Take what I told you abut skin types and what you need into account and go from there. You should need two sunscreens. One for your body and one for your face.

Recommendations for..

Skin Type 1-2

Skin Type 3-5


Skin Type 6

 Beach Bag Essentials for every women:

  1. Sunscreen( Face and Body)
  2. Sunglasses
  3. Big floppy hat to block the sun
  4. Bottle of Water
  5. Lip Balm with SPF                           


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About Me

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My name is Meagen Elizabeth I am a highly experienced Makeup Artist in the Sacramento Area. I have been doing Makeup since I was 15 and but the time I was 16 I landed an amazing opportunity to work with a well-known Hair Stylist and Designer. Since then I have done numerous shows such as Sacramento State College Annual Fashion Show, Hair Wars, Professional Photo shoots, and Featured Spots on Good Day Sacramento. When I was 17 I graduated High School and two months later went to Federico's Beauty Institute. While I was there I was awarded 1st place in the Halloween Makeup Competition, and was given knowledge and experience in the beauty Industry. After months of hard work I graduated from Beauty School and I now have a valid license as an Esthetician in the State of California, and I am currently pursuing my education as a Cosmologist at Paul Mitchell Hair Academy in Sacramento, Ca.

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe

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