What you need to know about tanning!

Don`t get me wrong tanning in the sun is awesome,but there are a lot of thing we should know and precautions we should take before you go out in the sun. My earlier post is about sun protection for people that don`t care about tanning. So this post will be about tanning dangers and ways you can get tan without getting sun damage. Now let me give you so tough love.. if you spent hours in the sun and have just Tanning Oil or Tanning Lotion most likely you have sun damage. If you go to Tanning Beds twice a week or even once a week most likely you have sun damage. Because the the sun exposure and Tanning Beds have UVA and UVB radiation that can cause serious damage to our skin, and can cause Skin Cancer, Skin Burns, Premature Aging, and Eye injury. But, don`t worry this is not  a life sentence you can treat sun damage and prevent new damage from occurring. Like enduring treatments such as Microdermabrasion, Pumice Peels, Chemical Peels, or Laser Resurfacing. Plus there are millions of dark spot Creams and Moisturizers out there that help the appearance of dark spots caused by the sun, but these take time and more money than you will spent to prevent it.

In my last post you saw a skin chart which is called the Fitzpatrick Scale. It shows you what characteristics each skin tone has and  how certain skin tones have a bigger risk of sun damage.
So if you are a red head and light skinned your one of the lightest tones which mean you have to be really careful about tanning and sun exposure, and people with dark skin tend not to have these age spots because they blend in but this dosn`t mean don`t put on sunscreen you can still have premature aging even though you cant see the spots.Now, you won`t be able to see the spots after sun exposure. It can take years till you can see the damage. Have you ever noticed how elderly women have what they call age spots and they look like freckles? They are actually sun damage!

<--Sun Damage looks like this.
 characterized by Dark to Light 
 Brown Freckle like spots all along 
 the sun exposed area.
You can also get
what they call leathery
skin. It is characterized by
               a loss in elasticity and collagen. -->               
 So when you go out in the sun always wear a Spf according to you skin type. There are some ways you can get tan without getting sun damage such as Spray tans,and  Solar Bronzing. There are also a lot of gradual tanning lotions and self tanners that will get you to achieve a beautiful tan quicker and safer.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I want to do tanning perfectly. If you have tanning tips, please share with me.
    Thank you


About Me

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My name is Meagen Elizabeth I am a highly experienced Makeup Artist in the Sacramento Area. I have been doing Makeup since I was 15 and but the time I was 16 I landed an amazing opportunity to work with a well-known Hair Stylist and Designer. Since then I have done numerous shows such as Sacramento State College Annual Fashion Show, Hair Wars, Professional Photo shoots, and Featured Spots on Good Day Sacramento. When I was 17 I graduated High School and two months later went to Federico's Beauty Institute. While I was there I was awarded 1st place in the Halloween Makeup Competition, and was given knowledge and experience in the beauty Industry. After months of hard work I graduated from Beauty School and I now have a valid license as an Esthetician in the State of California, and I am currently pursuing my education as a Cosmologist at Paul Mitchell Hair Academy in Sacramento, Ca.

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” - Marilyn Monroe

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